Love. Revere. Discover. Connect.

Small Group

Fire breathing dragon

Tabletop Gaming

Folks are invited to join others for gaming of all sorts, including D&D and other games.  The group gathers from about 6 pm with pizza and beverages, followed by games, fellowship & fun!   Contact Erik Stout ( if you have any questions or dietary concerns.

A hand holding a seedling

Purposeful Pondering Small Group

Small group ministries are a vital  part of our congregation.These small groups usually consist of 7-12 members who meet monthly to reflect upon and discuss significant life topics.The discussion topics are chosen by the monthly group facilitator. Small group members that wish to facilitate a meeting can volunteer to lead a discussion. The topic for any given month…

Silhouette of a man holding a glowing sphere

Men’s Group Meeting

Men’s Group Leaders:

05-08-23 Dave Michel
06-12-23 Eric Waldman
07-10-23 Ken Franklin
08-14-23 Tim Green
09-11-23 Dave Michel
10-09-23 Eric Waldman
11-13-23 Ken Franklin
12-11-23 Tim Green