East Shore Unitarian Universalist Church’s beautiful, comfortable facility is available to rent for you or your organization, including:
Non-denominational and mixed-faith weddings, respectful of all traditions | Sacred unions/commitment ceremonies | Receptions |Renewal of vows | Meetings, one-time or repeated usage | Conferences |Classes | Fundraisers | Professional seminars | Family gatherings | Special events
- Large, modern caterer-friendly kitchen
- Rooms for conference break-out sessions
- Microphones, audio technician, an edited CD after the event available
- List of vocalists and musicians available
- Sanctuary chairs are movable; furniture can be rearranged to fit rental needs
- Work with approved caterers
- Easy access – State Route 306 just south of U.S. Route 6 – five miles south of I-90, see map
Book your next event with us!
Call 440-256-3400 or Esuucoffice@gmail.com
Serving Kirtland, Mentor, Chardon, Cleveland, Ashtabula and the Lake and Geauga County areas