Love. Revere. Discover. Connect.

Upcoming Events

Piggy bank facing front on a wooden table

Finance Committee Meeting

The Finance Committee is one of the standing committees of East Shore.  The committee monitors the finances and general operations of the church.  It prepares the yearly church budget with input from all the church committees.  It meets via Zoom.  We usually have it the Tuesday before the Sunday board meeting barring any changes in…

Workshop: White Antiracist Spirituality in US History [EXTERNAL EVENT]

In January, the third annual workshop series on White Antiracist Spirituality in U.S. History, will be presented.  It will include powerful examples of UU spirituality in action. We’ll explore ideas and practices around beloved community, cultivating hope in difficult times, taking effective action, and the groundedness that comes with being rooted in history. It will provide nourishment…

Workshop: White Antiracist Spirituality in US History [EXTERNAL EVENT]

In January, the third annual workshop series on White Antiracist Spirituality in U.S. History, will be presented.  It will include powerful examples of UU spirituality in action. We’ll explore ideas and practices around beloved community, cultivating hope in difficult times, taking effective action, and the groundedness that comes with being rooted in history. It will provide nourishment…

Sewing supplies on a wooden table

Sewing Day

Kerry Norman (Days for Girls) and Liz Madigan (Sew4Service) are coordinating an afternoon for sewing projects. Open to all levels of experience from total beginners to the experts! If you have a sewing machine, you are welcome to bring it along with a Brown Bag lunch and basic sewing supplies (straight pins, scissors and so…

The Conversation Continues

The Conversation Continues – Mark your calendars as we start the New Year.Two chances to participate after Sunday services Jan 12 & 26. Just over a year ago the Board started “The Conversation” within ourcongregation to gain insight as to what value East Shore has for our members andhow we may embrace those ideas with tangible action plans. The last update tothe…

Silhouette of a man holding a glowing sphere

Men’s Group Meeting

Men’s Group Leaders:

05-08-23 Dave Michel
06-12-23 Eric Waldman
07-10-23 Ken Franklin
08-14-23 Tim Green
09-11-23 Dave Michel
10-09-23 Eric Waldman
11-13-23 Ken Franklin
12-11-23 Tim Green

Fire breathing dragon

Dungeons & Dragons

FROM ERIK STOUT: We are on hiatus till January 17th.  Between work challenges and other aspects of life, I have been unable to prepare for a game. When we meet on the 17th, we will actually play. I am unsure whether we will continue with the same characters or begin anew in the same book,…

Millennium Salon: Creating a Black History District in Painesville

Painesville, as the Lake County seat, was the center of the Abolition Movement and the Underground Railroad in Lake County.  It was also the center of the African-American churches, businesses and residences before and after the Civil War. The Rev. Brian Jones will present on recognizing and marking this history and their locations in collaboration with the Lake County History Center. Coffee, tea…