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Past events (Page 6)


Socia justice council logo

Social Justice Council

This meeting is via Zoom at 7:30 p.m.  Please email Ron Prosek if you want a link to this meeting at: Some of the members of the Old South UCC social justice committee will be joining our meeting to explore the possibility of working on projects together.

Bowl of chili peppers of different colors

The Great Chilly Chili Cook-Off

The 2024 Great Chilly Chili Cook-Off will happen Sunday, Feb. 11 after service. There will be regular and vegan/vegetarian categories again. Sign-up sheets and more info are available in the Narthex! Contact Pat McGovern with questions,

The Great Calendaring Event

Have an event or program that you need to reserve a date for? A meeting that occurs regularly? We’re putting together the calendar for the rest of 2024, and we need you to do it! On Sunday, February 4th, right after the service,  Jerie Green and Laura Solomon will be in the sanctuary to help you get your event or meeting on the…

Rev. Will on study leave

From Rev. Will: I have study leave that I am pulled toward. My study leave is Jan. 5 through Jan 20. I will not be available at all during this time. Some of you have heard me talk about my impending trip to South Africa. This study leave facilitates a required trip within the UU House of Studies at MTSO, where I am…

Circle of Mom

Join us for Circle of Mom at East Shore on Thursday, January 18 at 6 p.m. Circle of Mom is a safe space for anyone who identifies as a mom to share joys and struggles and support one another. Chocolates and flowers for all. Questions? Contact Mae Kowalke, or Bree Byrd, Hope to see you there!