Love. Revere. Discover. Connect.

Past Events (Page 12)

Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America

Millenium Salon: Moms Demand Action

Gun Violence is the leading cause of death of children & adolescents in the U.S. Moms Demand Action is a grassroots organization working with legislators for public safety measures that can protect people from gun violence. Join us for their presentation with time for questions and discussion. Coffee & Tea provided for your BYO Lunch…

East Shore at the Seashore Auction May 18 2024 Shoring up our church home

East Shore at the Sea Shore (AUCTION)

Donations have opened up at The excitement is building, and the auction is ready to accept donations!  Remember, donations are experiences, not items.  Examples include (but are certainly not limited to): This is a big fundraiser for East Shore.  Here’s how to start donating: Volunteers still needed! Sign up here.

Movie poster for Petroleum-238 with Justin Nobel

Book premiere: Petroleum 238 [EXTERNAL EVENT]

Justin Nobel will be appearing to talk about his new book, Petroleum 238, which is being released this month. They’ve known for 110 years but haven’t done a thing to stop it.  Mining oil and gas involves bringing toxic and radioactive materials to the surface endangering water, wildlife, and human health. Come and hear the complete dirty…

Welcome in script writing surrounded by watercolor flowers

Membership Committee meeting

[Meetings are both in person and on Zoom] The Membership Committee is looking for volunteers to sign up to Greet our visitors on Sunday mornings. A member of the Committee will be with you to show you what to do. Please sign up on the sheet in the narthex. Thank you in advance for welcoming our…