Love. Revere. Discover. Connect.

Past Events (Page 13)

Our Sisters’ Keepers

This month’s meeting is at the Northern Ohio International Cultural Center (NOICA, above), 13303 Madison Ave., Lakewood 44107, from 2:30 to 4:30 p.m. Contact Lynne Killgore or Jerie Green for information – new members welcome! We will be hosted by our Turkish sisters. They have suggested the timely topic “How can we find a solution against the system where…

Wooden tray with honey, nuts and matzoh

Passover Service

Join us on Sunday April 28th for an inter- generational and participatory service as we celebrate the festival of Passover which begins on April 21st. We will present a modified Seder for our service.  Elements include candle lighting, drinking of four cups of wine/grape juice, the eating of various symbolic foods, questionsabout the reasons for…

Book cover of Regeneration: Ending the climate crisis in one generation

Social Justice Spring Read

In this Social Justice book discussion group starting March 12 on Zoom, we have selected a sample of short articles from different sections of the book for discussion. This book and Project Regeneration ( offer a multitude of information on a range of topics related to climate change.   Regeneration: a new way of understanding…

Thumbnail of Common Ground movie

Movie and discussion: “Common Ground” [EXTERNAL EVENT]

Join Federated Church Creation Care and Justice ministry team in focusing on soil and climate change as the theme for Earth Day Movie Night as we watch the movie Common Ground, followed by discussion with a local native landscaper. “ONE OF THE MOST POWERFUL, ILLUMINATING AND VITAL WAKE-UP CALLS SINCE FOOD, INC.” – NYC Movie…

solar power collector with clouds

Postcard party to support solar power

Help support solar power! You can participate in a postcard party after services on Sunday, April 21.  We’re writing postcards in support of HB 197 in the Ohio General Assembly.  This is a bill, currently in the House Utilities Committee, that would support community solar power. With the passage of HB 197, for the first time,…

Welcome in script writing surrounded by watercolor flowers

Membership Committee Meeting

[Meetings are both in person and on Zoom] The Membership Committee is looking for volunteers to sign up to Greet our visitors on Sunday mornings. A member of the Committee will be with you to show you what to do. Please sign up on the sheet in the narthex. Thank you in advance for welcoming our…

Moon moving in front of the sun to form an eclipse

Eclipse Party

Join us here at East Shore to watch (and celebrate) this once in a lifetime event.  Eclipse themed activities, fun, burgers (regular and vegan), & camaraderie for all!  Bring a chair, a favorite eclipse fun fact or lore, and a side dish to share if you’d like.  Email Erik Stout to join the party so…

Various pots of food on a table

Church Potluck

This Sunday is a potluck after the service—bring whatever you like to share, label for ingredients and break bread with us! .