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Past Events (Page 16)

Our Sisters’ Keepers

Our Sisters’ Keepers will meet Sunday, January 7 from 2:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. at Community Church of Chesterland, 11984 Caves Rd., Chesterland 44026.We will hear how their Congregation decided to host the Story Hour that a white supremacist tried to firebomb last spring, what has happened since, and how the congregation is moving forward. The assault on that church’s beliefs made national and international…

New Year’s Eve Gathering

Just want to invite all of you to East Shore’s 2023 New Year’s Eve Party.  This year will be a casual family friendly gathering and all are welcome. Bring your favorite card or board games and your favorite snacks or non alcoholic beverage to share.  (To keep things inclusive we request the evening be alcohol free.)  Bring a friend too if you’d…

Cookies with Santa

Time is coming up soon for our annual “Cookies with Santa” event for the kids at East Shore.  Every year on a Saturday in December, we get the kids together to decorate cookies, make treats, create ornaments and crafts and write letters to Santa. Over the years it’s become one of our kids’ favorite holiday traditions.

Deadline for Fahr Fund grant applications

The deadline for Fahr fund grant applications is Sunday, December 3rd.  Please consider nominating a worthy group in Lake or Geauga counties that serve low income people in the form of food,clothing or shelter.