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Past Events (Page 20)

Sending the Right Signal: An Anti-Racism Workshop

Antiracism work is healing work. It restores us to our solidarity with ourselves and human solidarity with others.  Sending the Right Signal, facilitated by Soul Focused Group, is a 1-day workshop designed to develop our tools to discuss race in a way that broadens our self-awareness and social consciousness, inspires us to make a more equitable world, and affirms everyone’s humanity–including and…

Sending the Right Signal: An Anti-Racism Workshop

In line with our 8th Principle, West Shore UUC invites the UU/interfaith community to Soul Focused Group’s workshop- focussed on undoing oppressions and developing our tools to discuss race in a way that broadens our self-awareness and social consciousness; making a more equitable and humanity affirming world. Jan 27 @ UUCC Shaker OR Jan 28 @ West Shore UU; 10a-4p

Social Justice: “Climate Crisis, Energy Violence, and Environmental Racism

Join FaCT – Faith Communities Together for a Sustainable Future – via Zoom at 3 p.m.on Jan 21. Hear about the often tragic costs of energy today. What risks and dangers are communities facing from fracking pipelines, coal mining, petrochemical development, and other intrustions? What about environmental racism? Learn more and register