Love. Revere. Discover. Connect.

Past Events (Page 29)

Lake Erie Folk Fest

Lake Erie Folk Fest is this Saturday! If you haven’t been, do come – the daytime workshops and events (free) are a great experience even if you don’t play an instrument and just like to soak up the atmosphere of friends playing/learning music. And the evening concert (admission charged) promises to be a wowser. The whole shebang grew out of East Shore’s own Blue Sky Folk Festival (now on hiatus).

Sending the Right Signal: An Anti-Racism Workshop

Antiracism work is healing work. It restores us to our solidarity with ourselves and human solidarity with others.  Sending the Right Signal, facilitated by Soul Focused Group, is a 1-day workshop designed to develop our tools to discuss race in a way that broadens our self-awareness and social consciousness, inspires us to make a more equitable world, and affirms everyone’s humanity–including and…

Sending the Right Signal: An Anti-Racism Workshop

In line with our 8th Principle, West Shore UUC invites the UU/interfaith community to Soul Focused Group’s workshop- focussed on undoing oppressions and developing our tools to discuss race in a way that broadens our self-awareness and social consciousness; making a more equitable and humanity affirming world. Jan 27 @ UUCC Shaker OR Jan 28 @ West Shore UU; 10a-4p