Love. Revere. Discover. Connect.

Past Events (Page 32)


Chalica will be held each evening on Facebook from Monday, December 5 through Sunday, December 11.  Chalica is a time of celebrating each of our Seven Principles.

Cookies with Santa

Cookies with Santa is on Saturday. December 3 at East Shore from noon to five.  We will be decorating cookies, making ornaments and playing the dreidel game among other activities.

Social Justice Read and Discuss Group:Censorship and Book Banning

From the Wall Street Journal August 23, 2022“A Library in Patmos, a rural western Michigan town is asking the community there to retore its public financing after voters defunded it following a dispute over books with LGBT content…. In Vinton, Iowa, residents criticized their library for having LGBT staff and books with LGBT-related themes. The library closed temporarily in July after staff members quit amid the…

Fahr Fund Soup Luncheon

 In December 1997, an endowed fund was established to honor the lifetime commitment of Peter and Irma Fahr to helping those in need.       This year is the 25th Anniversary of this Fund.      The thrust of the fund shall be to provide help for the needy in the form of food, clothing and shelter.     In honor the 25th Anniversary, the Trustees (Pam…

Trick or Truck All Ages Event

Right after Sunday service. Trunk or Treat will take place after the Halloween Service on Sunday October 30.  If you did not participate in Trunk or Treat last year you missed out on homemade applesauce, homemade jams, fresh baked goods, puzzel books, silly toys, candy and fun companigionship.  This is an ALL ages event, the more the better.  So what will you…

Halloween Service

Multigenerational Halloween service and Costume Parade