Love. Revere. Discover. Connect.

Past Events (Page 4)

Socia justice council logo

Social Justice committee meeting

The Social Justice Council will meet again via Zoom at 7:00 PM on Wednesday, December 18. All East Shore folk are welcome to attend this meeting. Please contact Ron Prosek ( for the Zoom link.

Sunday service–special music presentation

Sunday service on December 15th.  There will be music by world renowned Tina Bergmann and Bryan Thomas during the service.  Please don’t miss this very special service.  It has been well over a decade since they graced us with their talent.

Special music for Sunday service

Tina Bergmann with Bryan Thomas Tina Bergmann & Bryan Thomas are a northeast Ohio husband and wife duo playing American Old Time, Celtic and South American Music on Hammered Dulcimer & Bass. Tina is a virtuoso hammered dulcimer player known for her driving energy, syncopated rhythms and fine musicality. Described by Pete Seeger as “the…

Cookies with Santa

East Shore will be hosting our annual Cookies with Santa event on Saturday December 14th from 1pm until 5. Children will have the opportunity to decorate cookies, write letters to Santa, make ornaments and crafts and other all around kid centered Holiday fun! Parents are asked to register their child (with kid names, ages, and…

Dances of Universal Peace [EXTERNAL EVENT]

Join us for an evening of the Dances of Universal Peace! The Dances of Universal Peace are spiritual practice in motion. Drawing on the sacred phrases, scripture, and poetry of the many spiritual traditions of the earth, the Dances blend chant, live music and evocative movement into a living experience of unity, peace and integration.…

Social Justice Fall Book Read

Book discussions will meet via Zoom at 7:30 p.m. on Oct. 15, Oct. 29, Nov. 12 and Dec. 3. A study guide will be provided. Contact Ron Prosek or Sue Borstein to join this read. It is almost impossible to imagine that unbridled hate and systematic violence could come for us or our families. But it has happened in…

Piggy bank facing front on a wooden table

Finance Committee Meeting

Meets via Zoom.  We have it the Tuesday before the Sunday board meeting. Next year: Jan 7th, Feb 4th and Mar 4th barring any changes in the boardmeeting dates.


DON’T GIVE IN TO CONSUMERISM!!… …or do, but either way join us in the ESUUC Sanctuary at 2pm on Black Friday for more good fun and comradery!  The TTRPG group will bring boardgames and cards.  We ask that people to bring a dish to share if they are able.  Either way, come join us for food, cheer and friendly banter.  May we…