Each year, faith organizations from around Kirtland come together in a prayer service of Thanksgiving. This year, East Shore Unitarian Universalist Church will host, as we reflect together on the gifts we have been given. Pastor Brenda Waddell, of Old South Church, will give the homily. Pastors from a number of other congregations will also participate in the service, which will include…
In conjunction with Racial Equity Buddies, Racial Equity Buddies of Greater Cleveland, Lyndhurst Community of Faith Church is sponsoring a free film screening of True Justice, a documentary about Bryan Stevenson’s work with the Equal Justice Institute. The screening is on Sunday, November 24, in the LCFC sanctuary. There will be pizza and salad available at 2:30 pm; the film will begin at 3:00…
Fahr Fund Vegetarian Soup Luncheon will be Sunday, November 24th immediately after the service. The Luncheon is a free will donation. Carry out service is available. Church members are encouraged to bring bread to share for the meal.
The breaking of bread is an ancient ritual of community and memory celebrated in many different traditions and many different ways. Today, we break bread together to celebrate the abundance of the harvest, the hard work of all who make our lives possible, and the community that gathers here to worship together. More details forthcoming in the November 1st Beacon.
Making of the soup for the Fahr Soup luncheon. Folks interested in helping with soup making and in the kitchen during the soup lunch are encouraged to talk with Dee Beecham.
At the Community Church of Chesterland. Transgender Day of Remembrance (TDOR) is an annual observance on November 20 that honors the memory of the transgender people whose lives were lost in acts of anti-transgender violence. It was started in 1999 by transgender advocate Gwendolyn Ann Smith as a vigil to honor the memory of Rita…
Book discussions will meet via Zoom at 7:30 p.m. on Oct. 15, Oct. 29, Nov. 12 and Dec. 3. A study guide is linked below. Contact Ron Prosek or Sue Borstein to join this read. It is almost impossible to imagine that unbridled hate and systematic violence could come for us or our families. But it has happened in…