Call to Worship and Body Prayer Rev. DenisWelcome to this space. This space under this beacon of hope, where the light of the universe shines down upon us, even on the gloomiest, chilliest of days. Welcome to this space under this beacon, where our light shines out into the world, letting it know why we are here: to shine our hope.We are…
Call to Worship (Rev Denis)“How does one address a mystery?” Gordon McKeeman asked, back when he was the last president of the Universalist Church of America, before it consolidated with the American Unitarian Association in 1961. Cautiously, he said, let us go then to the end of our certainty, to the boundary of all we know, to the rim of uncertainty, to…
Monthly Theme: Being Mortal Personal Reflection Bree Byrd Recently while in a class where we were viewing and discussing images, I came to an odd realisation about myself. Among the images we were viewing were several images of catastrophe about to strike, including one in particular which showed a tsunami about to strike the coastline of Japan. On one side of the…
Time for All Ages (Rev Denis) A Rose Window is a like a kaleidoscope frozen in time. I know this because I studied architecture in College, and I know this because Rev. Joe told me. Do you know who Rev Joe is? About 20 years ago, he first started going to church at the First Unitarian Society of Chicago. It looks very…
Centering Thought: “;Walk as if you are kissing the Earth with your feet.”; – Thich Nhat Hanh Prayer “;My Prayer for You,”; by Bree Byrd May you always know joy.May you find enough laughter through the tears that will fall, to see the beauty the world has to show you.May you find the hidden whispers of knowledge in the series of moments…