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Sermons by Che Sinclair

January 7, 2018: “Summoning the Muses”

Theme: Music and Art Time for All Ages (Rev Denis) In the days of Ancient Greece, from about 1000 years before the beginning of the Common Era, until about year 500, they worshiped a whole bunch of Gods and Goddesses. Hundreds of them. And there were lesser beings, too, beings who had influence over humans, but didn’t have the status of power…

November 5, 2017: “Buying A Ticket”

Monthly Theme: Help, Generosity and Gratitude Time for All Ages (Rev Denis) Harriet Lerner, an author and child psychiatrist? tells the story of going to Coney Island as a child and desperately wanting to ride the exciting rides like the cyclone, but being scared to death. She watched children her age come of the rides excited, clearly having had fun. Envious. Finally,…