With Rev Denis Paul, with Halcyon Domanski, Jessie Jones, Jared Hammond, Judy Willour, Marie Nightingale
With Rev Denis Paul, with Halcyon Domanski, Jessie Jones, Jared Hammond, Judy Willour, Marie Nightingale
Click on each link to watch that part of the service. After each part, click your back button to get back to this page so you can click the next partNote: the Facebook portion camera is turned for the first 3 minutes, then the camera is turned correctlyFacebook: https://www.facebook.com/EastShoreUUChurch/videos/260691525356151Youth Faith Statements: https://youtu.be/P6d_8E09S24
Click on each link to watch that part of the service. After each part, click your back button to get back to this page so you can click the next partFacebook: https://www.facebook.com/EastShoreUUChurch/videos/773818613525945Service: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8Hpl8uQPt-8
As we explore ourselves as people of integrity we need to take a look at exactly what is our responsibility and why it is so.
Bread Communion. This is out Multigenerational Thanksgiving service. We are asking everyone to bring in bread from your family traditional meals to share with your East Shore family.
Each year, we make time in our church calendar to bless the pets, in the tradition of Francis of Assisi, protector of the environment and patron saint of animals. This year, the ceremony and service will be led by Director of Religious Education Halcyon Domanski and youth August Zelch who is a caregiver to dozens of pets that include many reptiles and…
As always on the first Sunday after Labor Day, there’s a very good chance of precipitation in the sanctuary. Water will materialize, coming in from all over the world, so bring water with you to add to it for the Homecoming Water Communion. Your water can come from anywhere: the pond down the road, your summer travels, the municipal swimming pool, or…
We’ll begin the service by lighting the candles left after Friday evening’s Tenebrae, and end the service in time for the annual Easter Egg Hunt, both symbols of hope and new beginnings. Eggs point to new beginnings, the kinds of beginnings we make with each new day, each new opportunity to present ourselves to the world. Call to Worship Halcyon: Today…