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Sermons by Nancy Theofrastous

September 14, 2014: “Trusting Feminists”

Reading From Bad Feminist: Essays, by Roxane Gay This morning’s reading is by Roxane Gay, a professor of English at Purdue University. It’s from her book of essays entitled Bad Feminist. I openly embrace the label of bad feminist. I do so because I am flawed and human. I am not terribly well versed in feminist history. I am not as well…

August 10, 2014: “What We Call Ourselves”

Sounding the Singing Bowl (Nancy) Prelude (Choir) Welcome and Announcements (Board Member) Opening Hymn #188 “Come, Come, Whoever You Are” Come, Come whoever you are,Wanderer, worshipper, lover of leaving.Ours is no caravan of despair.Come, yet again, come. Call to Worship (Denis)Mother Earth, Father Time,Energy of the ever-expanding Universe,That which holds all:You are here with us this morning,To celebrate your creative abundance, and…