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Sermons by Rev. Denis Paul (Page 14)

January 31, 2016: “Prayer is a Flowing of Love”

Centering Thought: Prayer irrigates the earth and heart. – St. Francis of Assisi First Reading “The Seal’s Skin,” traditional Icelandic tale A traditional Icelandic folktale, retold by Jane Yolen in Favorite Folktales from Around the World There was once a man from Myrdal in eastern Iceland who went walking among the rocks by the sea one morning before anyone else was up.…

January 21, 2016: “Annoying Grace”

Personal Reflection “Hen and Charis,” John Bernardini The two most common words translated as grace in the Bible are “hen” (hane) or “chen” (kane) in the Hebrew Scriptures and “Charis” (haar-is) in the Greek New Testament. In the Hebrew scriptures, what Christians call the Old Testament, the word grace is used 66 times and in all but a few instances means “to…

January 10, 2016: “If I Stepped Out of My Body I would Break Into Blossom”

Reading A poem by James Wright entitled “A Blessing.” Just off the highway to Rochester, Minnesota,Twilight bounds softly forth on the grass.And the eyes of those two Indian poniesDarken with kindness.They have come gladly out of the willowsTo welcome my friend and me.We step over the barbed wire into the pastureWhere they have been grazing all day, alone.They ripple tensely, they can…

December 6, 2015: “The Power of Peace in Food”

Call to Worship and Chalice Lighting Rev. Denis In times of darkness, people have always kindled light – to remove the gloom of ignorance, to chase away clouds of doubt, and to overcome the fear of oppression. We, too, come together to kindle light: the symbol of our prayers for peace, for hope, for freedom, and for blessings for ourselves and the…

November 8, 2015: “Kiss the Earth with Your Feet”

Centering Thought: “;Walk as if you are kissing the Earth with your feet.”; – Thich Nhat Hanh Prayer “;My Prayer for You,”; by Bree Byrd May you always know joy.May you find enough laughter through the tears that will fall, to see the beauty the world has to show you.May you find the hidden whispers of knowledge in the series of moments…

October 11, 2015: “Being in Withness”

Centering Thought: “We are in a world that is connected, but not communicating.” — Tariq Ramadan Personal Reflection Patrick McGovern I’ve always loved an underdog. Maybe that goes some of the way to explaining my love of Cleveland sport teams and the Browns, in particular. After all, why would I be so passionate about being a part of a group rooting for…

October 4, 2015: “Bearing Witness”

Prayer (Read by David Domanski as Ian Griffith lights a candle for each) In addition to the candles already lit here in our circle of caring, we light 20 additional candles, one for each of the women killed by their intimate partners, in Lake County since records began being kept. On October 10, 1976, NANCY KUSUNIC was killed. She was 32 years…

September 27, 2015: “Personal Economics of Justice”

Reading This morning’s reading is from the book Let Your Life Speak, by Parker J. Palmer What am I meant to do? Who am I meant to be? I was in my early thirties when I began, literally, to wake up to questions about my vocation. By all appearances, things were going well, but the soul does not put much stock in…