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Sermons by Rev. Denis Paul (Page 16)

February 1, 2015: “The Light From Our Beacon”

“Science without religion is lame, religion without science is blind.”— Albert Einstein Time for All Ages “The Little Red Lighthouse” There’s a little piece of land that juts out into the Hudson River, on an island called Manhattan. The piece of land, called Jeffrey’s Hook, is more of a bump than a peninsula, but it protrudes out into an area of the…

January 18, 2015: “Making God”

Centering Thought: “The tears I shed yesterday have become rain” — Thich Nhat Hanh Call to Worship and Chalice Lighting Octavia Butler writes, When apparent stability disintegrates,All that you touch You Change.All that you Change Changes you.The only lasting truth is Change.God is Change.” We gather this morning to celebrate change, to honor the value of changing times. While we find comfort…

January 11, 2015: “Spheres of Influence”

Reading From the Eulogy of James J. Reeb, by Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.1  (Ron) One day the history of this great period of social change will be written in all of its completeness.  On that bright day our nation will recognize its real heroes.  They will be thousands of dedicated men and women with a noble sense of purpose that enables them…

December 24, 2014: “Christmas Eve”

Chalice Lighting and Invocation – Rev Denis Merry Christmas, and welcome to East Shore Unitarian Universalist Church where we come from a variety of backgrounds and hold a huge array of beliefs. We are committed to a theologically progressive future, but we also respect the traditions of the past. Especially traditions that so deeply inform who we are…as individuals, as a congregation,…

December 14, 2014: “Pointing Toward The Sun”

Centering thought for the cover:Part of being optimistic is keeping one’s head pointed toward the sun, one’s feetmoving forward.— Nelson Mendela Personal Reflection, “Mystery of Life,” – Nancy Bihary I met Charles, the natural healer, through a friend. I put his business card with my collection of business cards. Several years later, I had some health issues that weren’t being addressed, it…

November 16, 2014: “Rising From The Fire”

Call to Worship and Chalice Lighting – Rev Denis Reverend Bill Schulz, former president of the Unitarian Universalist Association writes This is the Mission of Our Faith: To teach the fragile art of hospitality; To revere both the critical mind and the generous heart; To prove that diversity need not mean divisiveness; And to witness to all that we must hold the whole world in our…

November 9, 2014: “The Stevedore’s Song”

Sounding of the Singing Bowl (Rev Denis) Prelude (Marj) Welcome and Announcements (Nancy Tozer) Opening Hymn #389 Gathered Here (Denis introduces) Gathered here in the mystery of the hour.Gathered here in one strong body.Gathered here in the struggle and the power.Spirit, draw near. Call to Worship and Chalice Lighting (Rev Denis) We are gathered here in one strong bodyAmidst the beauty of…

October 5, 2014: “An Action of the Heart”

Reading by Akaya Windwood, “Don’t be Nice, Be Kind,” from an article in Yes magazine Niceness is often filled with falseness-it is a way to not tell the truth,or to obscure it. “Be nice!” is something many of us heard as children asa way of avoiding upsetting someone. While niceness might be a strategythat gets us through an immediate situation, it is…

September 21, 2014: “Feeding The Multitude”

Reading “Loaves and Fishes,” by Denis Letourneau Paul Once upon a time, in a desert land by a far away sea, there was a teacher named Yeshua. He was an ordinary man, of ordinary beginnings, born of a carpenter, and a teenage mother, but somehow, against all odds, he became well-known for his teaching. Maybe it was because as he reached adulthood,…

September 14, 2014: “Trusting Feminists”

Reading From Bad Feminist: Essays, by Roxane Gay This morning’s reading is by Roxane Gay, a professor of English at Purdue University. It’s from her book of essays entitled Bad Feminist. I openly embrace the label of bad feminist. I do so because I am flawed and human. I am not terribly well versed in feminist history. I am not as well…