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Sermons by Rev. Denis Paul (Page 6)

March 22, 2020: “Mother Necessity”

Click on each link to watch that part of the service. After each part, click your back button to get back to this page so you can click the next part Intro part 1 Welcoming part 2 Personal Reflections part 3 Homily part 4 Joys and Cares last part

February 23, 2020: “Dignified Indignity”

Former UUA President Peter Morales once described our occasional way of being as arriving to the conversation “pre-offended.” He was talking about the indignity that many of feel, in our association of congregations and in the world, as being roadblocks to genuine engagement.  But there must be some way to use that indignity in for a higher purpose.  Personal Reflection “Stronger Than I…

February 9, 2020: “Where We Make Our Stand”

Admitting that you have little control in the world can be the first step in building resilience and strengthening your relationships to yourself and other people.  For some, that means giving over control to a higher power.  Does a higher power have to be called God?  How do Humanists engage in that process? Sounding of the Singing Bowl                   Rev Denis   PreludeSicilienne from…

February 2, 2020: “A Gift to the World”

(With members of the Prayer Circle) Do you want to change the world?  The old adage is that you should start with yourself.  Make one big change, with the intention of making yourself a gift to the world, and you just might be able to.  If you set the intention. The first Sunday of each month is Food Sunday, when we collect…

January 12, 2020: “Whatever Happened to Greenwood?”

In its heyday, the Greenwood Neighborhood of Tulsa, Oklahoma was called the “Black Wall Street,” an exemplar of what a thriving community could like.  But that all changed.  And today, something different is coming into being, something that may be almost as radical.  Sermon “Whatever Happened to Greenwood?”      Rev. Denis Letourneau Paul “Vibrant” has to be one of the most overused words in…

January 5, 2020: “For Its Intended Purpose”

There is probably nothing more frustrating than trying to do a job with the wrong tool.  A poor finished product — or even failure — is almost guaranteed.  But when everything is used for its intended purpose things just go smoother. The first Sunday of each month is Food Sunday, when we collect non perishable food, toiletries and cash for our neighbors…

December 24, 2019: “Candlelight Service: Starry Night”

This semi-secular Christmas Eve service celebrates the holiday’s magic in its ordinariness and mystery.  We’ll sing songs, hear some great choir music, and tell stories of stars, especially one in particular.  As always, we’ll end with a candlelight rendition of Silent Night.  This year, we’ll recess to the narthex for sweets, hot drinks, and conversation.  Guest musician Laura Silverman, just back from touring China,…

December 15, 2019: “Holding the Hope”

If you’ve ever accompanied someone so spiritually depleted they have no hope left for themselves or the world, you know how important your presence can be.  It can actually be awe-inspiring.  The seemingly small act of holding the hope for another person can heal not only that person, but the whole world. “Holding the Hope” East Shore Unitarian Universalist Church December 15,…