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Sermons by Rev. Judy Bagley-Bonner

August 14, 2022: “The Bent Over Woman”

“The Bent Over Woman” Rev. Judith Bagley-BonnerLuke 13: 10-13a10 Now he was teaching in one of the synagogues on the Sabbath. 11 And just then there appeared a woman with a spirit that had crippled her foreighteen years. She was bent over and was quite unable to stand upstraight. 12 When Jesus saw her, he called her over and said, “Woman,you are…

September 23, 2014: “Another Sermon About Peace?”

Welcome again to our International Day of Peace service. The actual day declared by the United Nations was Friday, but since this is the closest Sunday, we commemorate it today, along with many other churches. The United Nations General Assembly invites us on this day to ponder peace in a focused way, and to recommit ourselves to it. I had just began…

February 16, 2014: “Winter Warm-up in Relationships Part I”

Last week, in our multi-generational, valentines service, I tried to talk about the importance of coming right out and saying it when we love someone. That was the beginning of a three week focus on warming up relationships in our personal lives, our family lives (however you define family) and in our larger communities as well. Next week will be the final…

February 9, 2014: “Valentine’s Day Sermon”

Valentine’s Day reminds us that it’s good to come right out and SAY IT! We do, of course, say it without the words, per se, in lots of what we say and do. You primary breadwinners say it every day when the clock goes off while it is still dark out, and you are still heavy with sleep deprivation, and you get…

November 10, 2013: “The Five Secrets You Must Learn Before You Die Part 2”

First Reading: Portions of the poem “Instructions to Painters & Poets” by Lawrence Ferlinghetti from his anthology How to Paint Sunlight I asked a hundred painters and a hundred poetshow to paint sunlighton the face of life.Their answers were ambiguous and ingenuous,as if they were all guarding trade secrets. Whereas it seems to meall you have to dois conceive of the whole worldand…

July 28, 2013: “Progressive Theology Week III”

Reading: “In a Mother’s Womb” (unattributed) In a mother’s womb were two babies. One asked the other: “Do you believe in life after delivery?” The other replied, “why, of course. There has to be something after delivery. Maybe we are here to prepare ourselves for what we will be later.” “Nonsense,” said the first baby. “There is no life after delivery. What…

July 21, 2013: “Progressive Theology Week II”

This is the second of a three week series on Progressive Theology. In a way, that is a misnomer, because it is really only one, specific version of Progressive Theology, namely my own. As I mentioned last week, some of you had pressed me a bit to come out with my own beliefs. You observed that I had spoken at some length…