Love. Revere. Discover. Connect.

Sermons by Rev. Judy Bagley-Bonner (Page 2)

May 5, 2013: “Life on the J-Curve Part 1”

Welcome to the first of this three part series entitled “Life on the J-Curve” based on Dr. Richard Swenson’s two books entitled Margin and The Overload Syndrome. I want to say up front that much of what you will hear in this series is NOT my original work. These books are so compelling, and Swenson says it so well that much of what I have done…

February 3, 2013: “Buddhism Part Four, Meditation”

If you have never seen the movie, “A Beautiful Mind,” I would highly recommend it. It is a biographical drama about a brilliant mathematician, John Nash, who has schizophrenia. The movie does an amazing job of capturing the long, slow process by which Mr. Nash finally comes to understand that his hallucinations, which are as real to him as this is to…

January 13, 2013: “Buddhism Part Two, Precepts and Hinderances”

First Reading: The thought manifests the word The thought manifests the word; The word manifests the deed;The deed develops into habit; And habit hardens into character;So watch the thought and its ways with care,And let them spring forth from loveBorn out of compassion for all beings.As the shadow follows the body, as we think, so we become.” ― Juan Mascarov Second Reading From…

January 6, 2013: “Buddhism Part One, Noble Truths and Training The Mind”

Reading 1 The greatest achievement is selflessness.The greatest worth is self-mastery.The greatest quality is seeking to serve others.The greatest precept is continual awareness.The greatest medicine is the emptiness of everything.The greatest action is not conforming with the world’s ways.The greatest magic is transmuting the passions.The greatest generosity is non-attachment.The greatest goodness is a peaceful mind.The greatest patience is humility.The greatest effort is…

November 25, 2012: Working Through Loss and Change: Grief

I decided to take on the topics of grief and loss at this time because I am always acutely aware, during the holiday season, of those in our communities who are in the midst of pain and struggle. Being in those “desert places” is hard at any time, but can be especially so when everyone around you seems to be in the…

November 18, 2012: “Gratitude”

This morning, a couple of thoughts on gratitude: First, I have learned recently that far from being just a cliché or a sentimental topic left over from quaint yesteryear, gratitude has become the stuff of modern science and psychology. The University of California at Berkley, for example, is in the midst of a multimillion dollar study on the science of gratitude, looking…

October 21, 2012: “Accepting What Is”

Reading “to love life, to love it even when you have no stomach for it,and everything you’ve held dearcrumbles like burnt paper in your hands,your throat filled with the silt of it.When grief sits with you, its tropical heatthickening the air, heavy as watermore fit for gills than lungs;when grief weights you like your own fleshonly more of it, an obesity of…