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Sermons from September 2009

September 20, 2009: “If you Only Had 10 Days Left – What We Can Lean From The Jewish High Holy Days: Rosh Hashanah”

A visitor came to Israel and saw the Western Wall. Not being too  versed in religious aspects, he inquired of another tourist about the  significance of the wall. The other tourist explained, “This is a  sacred wall. If you pray to it, God may hear you.”    The visitor walked close to the wall and started to pray. “Dear  Lord,” he said, “bring sunshine and warmth…

September 27, 2009: “Why We’re Proud Darwin was a Unitarian (And Why We Believe in Him, But Aren’t So Sure About God): Bring a Guest Sunday”

A visitor to a Unitarian Universalist church sat through the sermon  with growing incredulity at the heretical ideas the minister  expressed. After the sermon, a member of the congregation asked the  visitor: ?so how did you like it??   ?I can?t believe half the things the minister said? sputtered the visitor.   ?Oh good, then you fit right in!?    Then, of course, there?s the classic-?Why does…