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Sermons from 2009 (Page 3)

April 19, 2009: “Earth Day: Listen to Your Mother”

Opening Words Richard S. Gilbert Beatitudes for Earth SundayBlessed are the heavens,for they declare the power of creation.Blessed is the earth, our beloved home,for she is a planet of plenitude. Blessed are the waters thereon,for they gave rise to living things.Blessed is the land,for it is the source of life abundant. Blessed is the air we breathe,for it fires us to life…

April 12, 2009: “Easter, The Message of Spring”

A rabbi said to a very active six-year-old boy: “So your mother says your prayers for you each night? Very commendable. What does she say?” The little boy replied, “Thank God he’s in bed!” One of my newly credentialed colleagues said after going through all the evaluations, internships, committee interviews, the real test of a new UU minister could be simplified down…

March 22, 2009: “The Goal of World Community Justice Sunday, The Universal Declaration of Human Rights”

OPENING HYMN         #  “We’ve Got the Whole World in Our Hands”Chorus We’ve got the whole world in our hands,We’ve got the whole world in  our hands,We’ve got the whole world in our hands,We’ve got the whole world in  our hands. 1. We’ve got the lIttle, bitty baby,  in  our hands,  We’ve got the old and infirmed,  in  our hands,  We’ve got the…

March 15, 2009: “The Jesus Seminar: What Did He Really Say? Palm Sunday”

The Carpenter’s Son The next term is hermeneutics which basically means interpretation, eschatology, which means the end times, or the study about the end of the world, related to the apocalypse, Armageddon, etc., and lastly, biblical canon with one n, is a list or set of Biblical books considered to be authoritative by a certain religious group or authority. Believers usually then…

February 22, 2009: “Sermon on the Amount”

Opening Words Sermon on the Amount Attend church regularly Work on your own spiritual development Serve on a task force Pledge at a stewardship level Be involved in service with others Connect to the wider UU movement. Enjoy the church and the people in it by finding a way to socialize with members Discover your gift, and share it with the church,…