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Sermons from 2009 (Page 4)

January 11, 2009: “At Least Part of the Dream has Come True, Martin Luther King, Jr. Sunday”

Do you remember one of the first popular black comedians of TV, Flip Wilson? Most of us are like the old Flip Wilson routine, in which someone asked Flip about his religion and he answered, “I am a Jehovah’s Bystander.”     “A Jehovah’s Bystander?” remarked his friend. “I never heard of a Jehovah’s Bystander.”    Flip looked coy and said, “Well, they…

January 10, 2010: “Looking Ahead: Future Church”

A man sought medical aid because he had popped eyes and a ringing in the ears. A doctor looked him over and suggested removal of his tonsils. The operation resulted in no improvement, so the patient consulted another doctor who suggested removal of his teeth. The teeth were extracted, but still the man’s eyes popped and the ringing in his ears continued.…

January 4, 2009: “Carpe Diem, Manana”

Predictions: David Sarnoff wanted some of his associates to invest in the radio in the 1920s; the response supposedly: “The wireless music box has no imaginable commercial value. Who would pay for a message sent to nobody in particular?” — “Airplanes are interesting toys but of no military value.”– Marshall Ferdinand Foch, professor of strategy, Ecole Superieure de Guerre Horse drawn carriages…