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Sermons from October 2010

October 17, 2010: “World Religions: UN Sunday”

The great novelist who was raised by missionary parents in China, Pearl Buck once shared a story that she remembered: ‘I remember as a child hearing my impatient missionary father as he explained to an elderly Chinese gentleman, ‘Does it mean nothing to you that if you reject Christ you will burn in hell?’ many stars in the sky.’ First, of course…

October 10, 2010: “Standing on the Side of Love: Welcoming all Love Orientations, Coming Out Sunday”

A sergeant and his private sat in a small compartment on a train as they took a trip together. Facing them, in the same compartment, sat a grandmother and her lovely granddaughter. As the train entered a long, dark tunnel, a long, joyful, wet kiss was heard, followed by a loud slap. The grandmother thought, “That young private kissed my granddaughter and…

October 3, 2010: “Happy 50th: Not a New Religion, But a New Approach to Religion, Association Sunday 50th Anniversary of Merger”

We’ll start with a group process joke. How many Unitarian Universalists does it take to change a light bulb? I’ll take answers from the floor…, give you mine, have time for exhaustive discussion, then we’ll vote on the one we like the best and it will go in the bylaws. Let’s start with yours- Mine is ‘Are we sure the light bulb…