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Sermons from September 2015

September 27, 2015: “Personal Economics of Justice”

Reading This morning’s reading is from the book Let Your Life Speak, by Parker J. Palmer What am I meant to do? Who am I meant to be? I was in my early thirties when I began, literally, to wake up to questions about my vocation. By all appearances, things were going well, but the soul does not put much stock in…

September 13, 2015: “Shaping Our Souls”

Homily “Shaping Our Souls,” Rev. Denis Letourneau Paul Have you ever noticed clouds in a brilliant azure blue sky on a gorgeous day? Of course you have! They’re so fluffy and light, white, with a little gray in them. How can you see them and not feel happy, buoyant? And when you see images of angels in heaven, the clouds they glide…