Love. Revere. Discover. Connect.

Sermons from January 2017

January 15, 2017: “From Banquets to Battle”

Call to Worship – Rev Denis Letourneau Paul Let us settle into our seats for a momentTo take a deep breath and look around at each other.See each other in this circle..…welcome the newcomerthe newcomer who may be here in order to seek company and perhaps even guidance through a difficult time in lifethe newcomer who may be here to share a…

January 8, 2017: “Going Around in Circles”

I hate chewing gum. I find chewing something, just for the sake of chewing, to be…. Well, never mind. Let’s just say I don’t get it. Let’s just say that the whole concept of chewing gum is so foreign to me that during periods of my life when I’ve been … less evolved, I’ve said some unkind things about the people who…