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Sermons from January 2018

January 14, 2018: “Composing Oneself”

Monthly Theme: Music and Art Personal Reflection (Rev Denis) I come from a profoundly unmusical family. There was no music in my house for most of my growing up. The radio was only ever on in the car, where in the glove box lived a few eight tracks of the Carpenters, Neil Diamond, and Ray Charles who sang my parents’ song, I…

January 7, 2018: “Summoning the Muses”

Theme: Music and Art Time for All Ages (Rev Denis) In the days of Ancient Greece, from about 1000 years before the beginning of the Common Era, until about year 500, they worshiped a whole bunch of Gods and Goddesses. Hundreds of them. And there were lesser beings, too, beings who had influence over humans, but didn’t have the status of power…