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Sermons from October 2018

October 21, 2018: “The Innermost Place”

Call to Worship and Body Prayer Rev. DenisWelcome to this space. This space under this beacon of hope, where the light of the universe shines down upon us, even on the gloomiest, chilliest of days. Welcome to this space under this beacon, where our light shines out into the world, letting it know why we are here: to shine our hope.We are…

October 14, 2018: “Sanctuary on the Page”

Call to Worship and Chalice Lighting Rev. Denis Letourneau PaulWelcome into this space.This SanctuaryThis sacred and holy placeThis place of refuge in times of troubleThis place of celebration in times of abundance. It’s been a hard couple of weeks for so many women, whose memories of past trauma have been triggered by not just the recent Supreme Court confirmation process but by…