Bread Communion. This is out Multigenerational Thanksgiving service. We are asking everyone to bring in bread from your family traditional meals to share with your East Shore family.
We all forget things. Little things and big things leave our minds all the time. Mostly, it doesn’t matter all that much to us, since we don’t know what we don’t remember. But what if there was a way to forget less, and deepen our experience of life? Maybe the little things wouldn’t be so little. Sounding of the Singing Bowl (Rev Denis) …
Wayside shrines exist all over North America, in the form of small chapels between village centers, and the memorials that pop along highways after fatal collisions, and in commemoration of beloved public figures. They serve a lot of different functions beyond just getting us to stop and pay attention. The first Sunday of each month is food month. Please bring non-perishable food…