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Sermons from 2020 (Page 3)

July 26, 2020: “Reflections of Leadership”

Click on each link to watch that part of the service. After each part, click your back button to get back to this page so you can click the next partFacebook:

June 21, 2020: “Coming of Age”

Click on each link to watch that part of the service. After each part, click your back button to get back to this page so you can click the next partNote: the Facebook portion camera is turned for the first 3 minutes, then the camera is turned correctlyFacebook: Faith Statements:

June 14, 2020: “Flower Communion”

Click on each link to watch that part of the service. After each part, click your back button to get back to this page so you can click the next partFacebook: