Love. Revere. Discover. Connect.

September 8, 2019: “Chances of Precipitation”

As always on the first Sunday after Labor Day, there’s a very good chance of precipitation in the sanctuary.  Water will materialize, coming in from all over the world, so bring water with you to add to it for the Homecoming Water Communion.  Your water can come from anywhere: the pond down the road, your summer travels, the municipal swimming pool, or…

September 1, 2019: “Pattern Seeking People”

It’s come to be a cliche that human beings are programmed to seek patterns.  Patterns give us comfort in predictability.  They help us set our expectations, not just of ourselves, but of others.  And most of the time, that helps!  Most of the time. The first Sunday of each month is food month.  Please bring non-perishable food items and/or toiletries to be…

August 18, 2019: “Perdition in Providence”

Perdition and providence are two seemingly conflicting states of being.  The former is being eternally punished, the latter is being guided with foreseeing care.  But the two can exist together, even in concert with one another, in more ways than one. Reading From “Inflammatory Essays,” by Jenny Holzer    Jared Hammond In 1979, long before free agency could get an artist’s work sold or…

August 11, 2019: “The Transcendent Magic of Individuation”

Transcendentalism is one of the most difficult to define of all theological terms.  No wonder your humble preacher has had an ever-evolving relationship with the idea.  He’ll share his latest thoughts on the concept. Call to Worship         Rev. Denis Letourneau Paul Toni Morrison once said in an interview, “What I think the political correctness debate is really about is the power to…

August 4, 2019: “Movement Culture”

What if your body could do anything you wanted it to do?  What if you could fly, or leap to the tops of trees?  Or just get down the stairs in the morning without feeling intense pain?  Imagine what you could accomplish. Would you be superhuman?  Or simply more human?    The first Sunday of each month is food month.  Please bring…