Love. Revere. Discover. Connect.

June 30, 2019: “Approach Brain”

Prayer  The Secret Prayer of St. Phiaret is a prayer of not knowing, and trying to find comfort in not knowing.  The prayer is about being open to possibilities, and maybe even a little guidance from an outside source.  It begins “O Lord, I do not know what to ask of you.” Here’s a variation on it, that I wrote, that I…

June 16, 2019: “The Box”

Many people have a memento like a watch or a ring or a pocket knife that reminds them of their father.  A box can hold a lot of memories.  And mysteries.  And maybe the key to living a good life. Call to Worship Rev Denis  Has your curiosity ever got you into trouble? Have you ever been so desperate to know a secret…

May 19, 2019: “Wabi-Sabi Saves the World”

Back in the days when the purpose of my job was to create beauty in the homes of my clients, I often felt like my job had no meaning.  It didn’t save lives or change the world in any tangible ways.  But six different world religions have something else to say about that. Reading          Jared Hammond Our reading this morning is from…

May 12, 2019: “The Color of Flowers”

Remember to bring in flowers from your garden to share with everyone in the congregation.  We will have a special guest musician Bass-Baritone,  Robert Pierce.  He has sung for us several times in the past and always receives many accolades for his deep, rich voice and thoughtful interpretations. He will be accompanied by Sherry Niederkorn.