Love. Revere. Discover. Connect.

June 10, 2018: “Intentional Service”

Monthly Theme: Multigenerationalism Call to Worship: Rev Denis I’d like to share with you the words of poet and social activist Thomas Merton, who also happened to be a Trappist monk. He wrote: We are living in the greatest revolution in history –A huge spontaneous upheaval of the entire human race:Not a revolution planned and carried outBy any particular party, race, or…

March 25, 2018: “Parenthood as a Natural Disaster”

Monthly Theme: Being Mortal Personal Reflection Bree Byrd Recently while in a class where we were viewing and discussing images, I came to an odd realisation about myself. Among the images we were viewing were several images of catastrophe about to strike, including one in particular which showed a tsunami about to strike the coastline of Japan. On one side of the…

March 4, 2018: “Hardiness and Heartiness”

Monthly Theme: Being Mortal Call to Worship & Chalice Lighting, Rev. Denis Can you hear them? Can you hear the whispers of the ancestors? We remember.Their stories are in the walls, in our bones, in the air that we breathe.Their stories are in the touch of a calloused hand,In the melody of songs that we hum while washing dishes,In remembered faces. We hear…

February 25, 2018: “Life, Legacy and Legend”

Monthly Theme: Being Mortal Call to Worship Rev. Denis Letourneau Paul You’ve got a lot going on in your life.Your days are filled with challenges that feel like they will drag you down into a deep dark pit of despairYour days are filled with tasks Soaked with obligation Like homework and deskwork and emails and billsThat seem to keep getting put on top of…

February 18, 2018: “You Are This Place”

Monthly Theme: Unconditional Love Prayer (Rev Denis) Spirit of life and love in the universe,Wellspring of compassion and justice; We are once again faced with tragedy too horrible to contemplate.We are trying not to be numbed by the constant barrage of fear and hatred Expressed in acts of vengeance and violence. But even as we continue breathing and trying to find our center,We…

February 4, 2018: “The Prophethood of the Earnest”

Monthly Theme: Unconditional Love Time for All Ages “Tikki Tikki Tembo” Rev Denis Letourneau Paul Reading Laura Solomon This morning’s reading is by Unitarian Universalist theologian James Luther Adams, from his essay “The Prophethood of All Believers.” Religious Liberals are accustomed to emphasize the prophetic task of the church. But we have long ago abandoned the whole idea of predicting the future…

January 14, 2018: “Composing Oneself”

Monthly Theme: Music and Art Personal Reflection (Rev Denis) I come from a profoundly unmusical family. There was no music in my house for most of my growing up. The radio was only ever on in the car, where in the glove box lived a few eight tracks of the Carpenters, Neil Diamond, and Ray Charles who sang my parents’ song, I…