Love. Revere. Discover. Connect.

February 19, 2017: “Strategies for Life: Bullies and Bystanders”

Prayer With gratitude and grace we come forward to answer the call of our faith, we move happily together into the unknown, we open ourselves to growth, we seek fortitude to begin the change to our corner of the world, to transform the world through love. Following the examples of our greatest presidents of these United States,Accompanied by the leaders of our faith in the worth and…

January 15, 2017: “From Banquets to Battle”

Call to Worship – Rev Denis Letourneau Paul Let us settle into our seats for a momentTo take a deep breath and look around at each other.See each other in this circle..…welcome the newcomerthe newcomer who may be here in order to seek company and perhaps even guidance through a difficult time in lifethe newcomer who may be here to share a…

January 8, 2017: “Going Around in Circles”

I hate chewing gum. I find chewing something, just for the sake of chewing, to be…. Well, never mind. Let’s just say I don’t get it. Let’s just say that the whole concept of chewing gum is so foreign to me that during periods of my life when I’ve been … less evolved, I’ve said some unkind things about the people who…

November 13, 2016: “Whom Does It Serve? The Third of 3 Ethical Questions”

Opening Hymn #389 Gathered Here Today, in this time of great social conflict, we have a greater than usual number of prayers, songs, responsive and unison readings, so before we begin, I want to be really clear about something. Here, at East Shore Unitarian Universalist Church, while you are always welcomed and encouraged to participate, you are never required to do anything…

October 9, 2016: “Introspection and Evil”

May nothing evil cross this door.Too Late! – This place is full of people.What an insult you say.What a mundane observation I say. Now I do not intend to bore you with a tedious lecture on the evils of humanity, but I do wish to raise a voice against our romantic tendency to saccharin sweet mutual praise. I also wish to delve…

July 10, 2016: “Unheard Voices”

Prayer: Acquainted with the Night by Robert Frost (read by Jerie Green) I have been one acquainted with the night. I have walked out in rain-and back in rain. I have outwalked the furthest city light. I have looked down the saddest city lane. I have passed by the watchman on his beat And dropped my eyes, unwilling to explain. I have stood still and stopped…

July 3, 2016: “Reflections From an Aging Mirror”

I preached my first sermon in a full year since retiring at the end of June last year, and I was asked back to East Shore to preach! Yes, I had some reservations, yes there were minor glitches-the new church secretary left out the alternate words I wanted for “Shall We Gather by the River” that were written by old friend, John…

June 12, 2016: “Change is like Steering a Freight Ship”

Centering Thought: “Showing up is eighty percent of life.”- Woody Allen Reading from Lessons in Belonging, by Erin S. Lane Nancy Tozer This morning’s first reading is from a book called Lessons in Belonging from a Church-going Commitment Phobe, by Erin S. Lane, a millennial who works for the Center for Courage and Renewal as an assistant director for clergy and congregational…