Love. Revere. Discover. Connect.

November 8, 2015: “Kiss the Earth with Your Feet”

Centering Thought: “;Walk as if you are kissing the Earth with your feet.”; – Thich Nhat Hanh Prayer “;My Prayer for You,”; by Bree Byrd May you always know joy.May you find enough laughter through the tears that will fall, to see the beauty the world has to show you.May you find the hidden whispers of knowledge in the series of moments…

October 11, 2015: “Being in Withness”

Centering Thought: “We are in a world that is connected, but not communicating.” — Tariq Ramadan Personal Reflection Patrick McGovern I’ve always loved an underdog. Maybe that goes some of the way to explaining my love of Cleveland sport teams and the Browns, in particular. After all, why would I be so passionate about being a part of a group rooting for…

October 4, 2015: “Bearing Witness”

Prayer (Read by David Domanski as Ian Griffith lights a candle for each) In addition to the candles already lit here in our circle of caring, we light 20 additional candles, one for each of the women killed by their intimate partners, in Lake County since records began being kept. On October 10, 1976, NANCY KUSUNIC was killed. She was 32 years…

September 27, 2015: “Personal Economics of Justice”

Reading This morning’s reading is from the book Let Your Life Speak, by Parker J. Palmer What am I meant to do? Who am I meant to be? I was in my early thirties when I began, literally, to wake up to questions about my vocation. By all appearances, things were going well, but the soul does not put much stock in…

September 13, 2015: “Shaping Our Souls”

Homily “Shaping Our Souls,” Rev. Denis Letourneau Paul Have you ever noticed clouds in a brilliant azure blue sky on a gorgeous day? Of course you have! They’re so fluffy and light, white, with a little gray in them. How can you see them and not feel happy, buoyant? And when you see images of angels in heaven, the clouds they glide…

August 9, 2015: “Dining with Daniel”

Centering Thought: “In case you forget, pain is there to help with your decisions.” – Hafiz Sermon “Dining with Daniel,” Rev. Denis Letourneau Paul Have you ever gotten news that seems devastating? The kind of news that you were afraid would change your life for the worse? Only to have it turn out to be not so bad afterall? That happened to…

June 21, 2015: “Unintended Lessons”

(Presented at the Unitarian Universalist Society of Cleveland) Time for All Ages Rev Denis Letourneau Paul “The Father and The Crow,” based on a traditional tale I would like to share with you a traditional story. Some sources say it’s an Indian or Hindu tale. Some say it’s Muslim tale. But I nobody knows for sure. It could come from anywhere. Whatever…

June 7, 2015: “Make Every Moment an Opportunity”

Time for All Ages, Rev Denis Letourneau Paul The summer of 1976 was kind of magical. It was remarkably quiet. The Vietnam war, which had been festering for twenty years finally ended the year before. Somehow, the cold war felt less scary. The only war we talked about at that point, was the Revolutionary War, as we celebrated the bicentennial, the 200th…

May 10, 2015: “The Tenderness of Mary”

Reading “The Good Enough Mother,” by Anna Quindlen (Jason) There was a kind of carelessness to my childhood. I wandered away from time to time, rode my bike too far from home, took the trolley to nowhere in particular and back again. If you had asked my mother at any given time where I was, she would likely have paused from spooning…