Love. Revere. Discover. Connect.

March 6, 2011: “Cleveland’s Own Caroline Severance and other Famous UU Women, Women’s History Month”

Women from our heritage of Unitarianism and Universalism were instrumental in changing the world! I don’t think I’m exaggerating too much when I say that, because there were so many that became ‘firsts to do as women’ in this country and a few in England as well. One of my favorites and earliest, was elderly, white haired Catherine Vogel; a Polish noblewoman…

February 13, 2011: “We Are the Question; Love Is the Answer”

We are the question, love is the answer. I think it actually comes down to this- love is the meaning of life. Psychologist Erich Fromm, famous for his book back in the 1960s, The Art of Loving, says, ‘Love is the only sane and satisfactory answer to the problem of human existence… It is not a resting place but a moving, growing,…

January 30, 2011: “Infinity and More”

I’m not sure we have time for this sermon on infinity and more; I might just go and on and on about it! When one discusses infinity, where do we draw the line? And if we get into a discussion on the time and space continuum, who will tell us when our time is up? Or when we are out of space?…

January 23, 2011: “Skeptics, Believers, Doubters and Dreamers”

An old church story from Ohio, supposedly true: ‘A participant in a communion service in a United Church of Christ congregation in Middletown, Ohio, realized they were serving real wine rather than the customary grape juice. She leaned over to her son and warned in a whisper, “This is the real thing.” Wide-eyed, he responded, “You mean, Blood?” True Believers are less…

January 9, 2011: “What To Do With a New Year”

What will YOU do with your new year? Your brand new shiny, never used, year. Go ahead; do ANYTHING you want with it! The sky’s the limit. Money’s no object. Imagine. You have an entire new year in from of you! What will you do with it? New years are a chance for a beginningEven when there hasn’t been an end.Wheels turn…

December 24, 2010: “Finally: A Conspiracy for the Good”

You know how Xmas Pageants are- ‘Kids will say the darndest things”-I had hoped they would mess up tonight and I could use a great blooper! Well, unfortunately everyone did a great job! BUT at another such pageant with the three Wise Guys, I mean Wise Men and the first one didn’t get it quite right when he announced, ‘We are the…

December 19, 2010: “When Love is Born-What a Gift!”

This is supposedly a true story; the names have been changed to protest the not so innocent. After some last minute Christmas shopping, Clara Smith was rushing her grandkids into the car. As she was closing the door, four-year-old Jason said, ‘Grandma, Susie has something in her pocket.’ He reached into Susie’s pocket and pulled out a new red barrette. They decided…