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April 4, 2010: “Easter: A Question of Life of Death”

Unitarian Universalist minister and satirist, Christopher Raible, has   written a parody of some of our hymns in a little book called,   appropriately enough, “Hymns for the Cerebration of Strife”, because   the old hymnal was called  ?Hymns for the Celebration of Life.? This   is his version of the Easter hymn, “Lo, the Earth Awakes Again”:   Sing an Easter hymn in season, Alleluia!/Even…

February 28, 2010: “Help, Hope, & Home”

The pastor was standing at the church door welcoming people at the Easter morning service. He shook the hand of one man and said, “Let me introduce myself. I’m the pastor of this church. We are pleased to have you visiting with us today.” The stranger said, “Now, wait a minute, pastor. I’m a member of this church, not a visitor.” The…

January 17, 2010: “Part I-Unitarians: More Than the Head”

During his ordination examination, a Presbyterian seminary student was being asked a series of doctrinal questions by an elderly conservative minister. He came to this question: “Do you believe in the Doctrine of the Total Depravity of the Human Soul?” His immediate smiling reply: “Yes, but I find it very difficult to live up to!” — But one of the main reasons…

January 31, 2010: “Part II Universalism-More Than the Heart”

Universalist ministers were often circuit riders. Hosea Ballou was one of these. There is a story told about him riding the circuit in New England, while riding over Hampshire’s craggy hills with a Baptist preacher one afternoon. Ballou told him that he used to be a Baptist as well, but that now he was a Universalist and went on to tell of…

December 5, 2009: “Here Come the Holidays; Handle With Care!”

Christmas cards, which once were sent to wish others peace on earth, good will, and blessings of the season, now serve more commercial purposes. I love the story about an apartment building in New York City- it was early in December when all the residents awoke to find a greeting card taped to the outside of their apartment doors. The cards read,…

November 22, 2009: “When Thanks Are Thin, Thanksgiving Multigenerational Bread Service”

Laws Concerning Food and Drink: Household Principles ‘Lamentations of the Father’ by Ian Frazier Laws Pertaining to Dessert Rev. Max Coots, Minister Emeritus, Unitarian Universalist Church Canton, NY ‘For a Bountiful Harvest Of Friends’Let us give thanks for a bounty of people.For children who are our second planting,and though they grow like weedsand the wind too soon blows them away,may they forgive…

November 15, 2009: “Exploring the Spirit”

Shall we get spiritual? Whether or not we shall get spiritual is not  up to me; ot at least not just up to me! It may not even be just up to  you. It?s actually a little complicated to describe, but it?s much  more simple for some us to HAVE a spiritual experience than others.  Indeed, some of us don?t WANT a spiritual experience, thank you…