The first Sunday of every month, directly after the service. Please bring a dish to share!
The Finance Committee is one of the standing committees of East Shore. The committee monitors the finances and general operations of the church. It prepares the yearly church budget with input from all the church committees. It meets via Zoom. We usually have it the Tuesday before the Sunday board meeting barring any changes in…
Saturday, February 8, 2025, 3-5pm. At East Shore UU Church building. Here we are, starting the next four years of whatever craziness comes next. Let’s hold space for all the big feelings we have about the world we live in, create positive energy, banish demons, and think together about how to nurture and build community…
Men’s Group Leaders:
05-08-23 Dave Michel
06-12-23 Eric Waldman
07-10-23 Ken Franklin
08-14-23 Tim Green
09-11-23 Dave Michel
10-09-23 Eric Waldman
11-13-23 Ken Franklin
12-11-23 Tim Green
Are you ready to read outside your usual comfort zone of sci-fi, mystery or romance novels? The Social Justice Council (with thanks to Morgan Hill Mason) is offering you the chance to challenge yourself to reading 25 different book topics and to share with others your thoughts and reactions to a book topic of your…
Small group ministries are a vital part of our congregation.These small groups usually consist of 7-12 members who meet monthly to reflect upon and discuss significant life topics.The discussion topics are chosen by the monthly group facilitator. Small group members that wish to facilitate a meeting can volunteer to lead a discussion. The topic for any given month…
The Finance Committee is one of the standing committees of East Shore. The committee monitors the finances and general operations of the church. It prepares the yearly church budget with input from all the church committees. It meets via Zoom. We usually have it the Tuesday before the Sunday board meeting barring any changes in…
The Finance Committee is one of the standing committees of East Shore. The committee monitors the finances and general operations of the church. It prepares the yearly church budget with input from all the church committees. It meets via Zoom. We usually have it the Tuesday before the Sunday board meeting barring any changes in…