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Posts by laurasolomon (Page 2)

Cover of the book The Nature of Oaks

FaCT Distinguished Speaker Nov. 4th: “The Nature of Oaks”

Next FaCT Distinguished Speaker via Zoom: Doug Tallamy – November 4, 3 PM ET “The Nature of Oaks” Oaks sustain a complex and fascinating web of wildlife. The Nature of Oaks reveals what is going on in oak trees month by month, highlighting the seasonal cycles of life, death, and renewal. From woodpeckers who collect and store…

Water scene from Beartown Lakes reservation

SAVE THE DATE! Outdoor Combined Service with UUCK

Worship Service- Outdoor Combined Service with UUCK Worshipping with our UU siblings, from Kent UU with a Water Communion. We will have a brown bag picnic afterwards. East Shore Unitarian Universalist Church Unitarian Universalist Church of Kent Beartown Lakes Reservation In the North Point Shelter 18870 Quinn Rd, Chagrin Falls (directions, or scan…

Trivia Night Friday July 14 5 to 8:30 pm at West Shore UU Church

All Ages Trivia Night at West Shore UU Church

Hi East Shore UUs! We are so excited about our upcoming All Ages Trivia Night, to be held  Friday, July 14 from 6 – 8:30 p.m. at West Shore UU Church in Rocky River.  It is free and open to the public.  We’ll have food, fun, and some prizes with trivia team competition hosted by…

Stewardship drive begins

It is getting close to springtime: Sunday, March 5 is the beginning of the 2023-2024 Stewardship campaign. We start things off that Sunday with Rev. Will Humphrey and board vice chair Jerry Huelsenbeck sharing their thoughts on “A Future with You.” Pledge packets will be handed out after the service with the remaining packets to be mailed on Monday,…

person looking at the window

Secret Santa

Faith Development is now receiving money to distribute to those in need within our congregation.  Money can be given during service (please mark ‘For Secret Santa’), handed to Halcyon, or placed in the Faith Director’s mailbox.  We will be collecting funds through December 4.  Let us help our family during the holidays!

coffee dark candy chocolate

Holiday Fair Trade Coffee, Tea & Chocolate Sale

The Seventh Principle small group is again sponsoring East Shore’s annual Holiday Fair Trade Coffee, Tea, & Chocolate Sale.  Order forms will be available at church next to the orders of service through November 27.  Order forms will also be emailed via the listserv & mailed along with the Beacon if you receive the Beacon…

Under construction

Bookstore transforms

Our Bookstore will close after November 20 for renovation into a new project. Come visit our free-will offering of books, cards, bumper stickers and other delights.  Sale will be November 13 and November 20 after church.

Social Justice Read and Discuss Group:Censorship and Book Banning

From the Wall Street Journal August 23, 2022 “A Library in Patmos, a rural western Michigan town is asking the community there to restore its public financing after voters defunded it following a dispute over books with LGBT content…. In Vinton, Iowa, residents criticized their library for having LGBT staff and books with LGBT-related themes. The library closed temporarily…