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Posts by laurasolomon

Purple Donation Box for Month of October

There will be a purple tote bin by the back door for donations of items to the local domestic violence shelters. Please donate items such as toilet paper, paper towels, new clothing and shoes for women and children, hygiene items, etc. These things are needed by the women and children who leave their abuser with nothing…

Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America

Millenium Salon: Moms Demand Action

Gun Violence is the leading cause of death of children & adolescents in the U.S. Moms Demand Action is a grassroots organization working with legislators for public safety measures that can protect people from gun violence. Join us for their presentation with time for questions and discussion. Coffee & Tea provided for your BYO Lunch…

A person holding a box labeled Donate

May is Taxable Pantry Collection Month

We have all seen the rise in the costs of toilet paper, paper towels andtoiletries taking up larger parts of our budgets. Food Stamps recipients arenot allowed to purchase any non-food items which include items such aslaundry soap and paper products. Old South Church Food Pantry has put a call out to local churches andorganizations…

East Shore Member featured on WVIZ

WVIZ PBS channel 25 Ideastream’s Applause show featured the Western Reserve Rug Hookers Guild. On the first Thursday of any given month, a large group of friends from across Northeast Ohio gathers in Geauga County for a meeting of the Western Reserve Rug Hookers Guild. “I am currently president of the group,” writes East Shore…

Rough wooden surface with two red overlapping felt hearts placed to the right

Loose Collection split recommendations

Each year East Shore donates to one charity a month one half of that month’s loose offering.  Except, if there is a fifth Sunday, that split goes to the Minister’s Discretionary Fund. The Finance Committee is asking for recommendations for charities to support for fiscal year 2024-2025. Please send your recommendations to David Michel, Treasurer and by…

East Shore member publishes book

Long-time East Shore member Dorothy Lemmey has published Mothering Dorothy Mothering Dawn.  When Dorothy learned in 1971 that her infant daughter Dawn was profoundly intellectually disabled and physically impaired, she felt compelled to study nursing so she could be the best mother and caregiver possible. She loved and nurtured her daughter for 31 years and…

Kirtland Community Thanksgiving Service

The City of Kirtland’s annual Ecumenical Prayer Service of Thanksgiving will be held at 7 p.m. on Tuesday, November 21 at the Historic Kirtland Temple, 7809 Joseph St, Kirtland. Parking will be available at the Visitors Center as well as across the street in the Community of Christ lot. East Shore’s Reverend Will Humphrey will deliver the message, and our pianist Kerry Norman…