Love. Revere. Discover. Connect.

Letters from the Minister: July 15, 2024

Dear Beloved Community,

As we find ourselves in the heart of summer, we are reminded of the warmth and light that this season brings. It is a time for growth, reflection, and deepening connections, both with ourselves and with each other.

In our journey as a community, we often explore what it means to love deeply. Love, in its truest form, is an expansive and evolving force. It asks us to reach beyond our comfort zones, to embrace vulnerability, and to nurture compassion in all aspects of our lives. As the heat of July encourages us to slow down and be present, we invite you to reflect on the ways you can cultivate deeper love in your heart and actions.

Our commitment to love doesn’t stop at our church doors. We are called to extend our compassion and action to the broader community and the world. This month, consider how you can make a difference through small acts of kindness, advocacy for justice, or simply being a listening ear to someone in need.

We leave you with this beautiful poem by Rumi, which captures the essence of our theme:


Your task is not to seek for love,

but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself

that you have built against it.


Let us work together to dismantle those barriers and allow love to flow freely in and through us.

As we continue our journey this summer, may we all strive to love ever more deeply. Let us be gentle with ourselves and others, remembering that love is a practice and a choice we make every day.

May your days be filled with love, light, and deep connection

Rev Will