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Past Events (Page 17)

Black Friday Friendsgiving and Movie Night

East Shore’s Dungeons and Dragons group would like to invite you to their first D&D Black Friday Friendsgiving and Movie Night! Our next meeting falls on November 24, the day after Thanksgiving, and we’ve decided to forego our usual game and host a Friendsgiving style potluck dinner followed by a viewing of the D&D movies. Everyone is invited, bring a friend, bring something…

Kirtland Community Thanksgiving Service

The City of Kirtland’s annual Ecumenical Prayer Service of Thanksgiving will be held at 7 p.m. on Tuesday, November 21 at the Historic Kirtland Temple, 7809 Joseph St, Kirtland. Parking will be available at the Visitors Center as well as across the street in the Community of Christ lot. East Shore’s Reverend Will Humphrey will deliver the message, and our pianist Kerry Norman…

Trunk or Treat

Just a quick reminder that our annual trunk or treat is after our Halloween service on this coming Sunday, October 22nd. Please join in if you can, bring something to hand out and remember, it isn’t just for the kids (We encourage adults to embrace their inner child and trick or treat too!) and it doesn’t have to be candy. In past years folks have brought candy, homemade desserts, chocolate covered pretzels, donuts, bubbles, cider, notebooks or coloring books, jams, anything you’d like to share. Be as creative as you’d like!