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Sermons by Rev. Art Severance (Page 5)

September 26, 2010: “Does the Bible Condone Domestic Violence?”

‘Regarding Justice Scalia’s Refusal to Recuse Himself From Hearing Case Concerning the Vice President’ House of Representatives – February 25, 2004 ‘Mr. Speaker, the President’s presidential prayer team is urging us to ‘pray for the President as he seeks wisdom on how to legally codify the definition of marriage. Pray that it will be according to Biblical principles.’ With that in mind,…

September 12, 2010: “Original Blessing, Homecoming”

The creation story is common to Jews, Christians, and Moslems, yet only the Christians saw original sin, the Fall, in the story. Jesus never mentions it. And some Christians today now see it differently as well. Part of our heritage is the group called Universalists, who believed a loving God would not send anyone to Hell, and that there was no such…

August 29, 2010: “The Theology of Mark Twain, Mark Twain Guest Preacher”

Mark Twain Guest Preacher(A Sermon using the words of Mark Twain from Various Sources)Rev. Arthur G. Severance Let me start by talking about God: — Notebook — Mark Twain, speech, “Education and Citizenship” Religion: Following the Equator ‘ Eruption’ with the one He was after. – Autobiography of Mark Twain Christian Science The altar cloth of one aeon is the doormat of…

August 22, 2010: “How to Shop for a Church”

My friend and colleague from the Southwest District who has served the C UU Church on the River in Memphis, TN, for more than 20 years, tells ‘The Parable of the Patient List,’ in his Berry Street Essay from a few years ago, ‘When you go into the pastoral care office at Methodist Central Hospital in Memphis you will discover along the…

August 15, 2010: “The Danger of the Prophetic Pulpit; Why Politics and Religion Must Mix”

A search committee received this letter: ‘Dear Folks, The person most responsible for the Social Gospel movement was a progressive Baptist minister, Walter Rauschenbusch. He thought a focus on personal salvation by taking Christ as our savior was as Rebecca Parker puts it, ”selfish to be so narrowly concerned with one’s own fate when life is social…’ He interpreted the kingdom of…

July 11, 2010: “Unitarian Universalism: The Religion That Puts Its Faith in You”

Full Devotion to God Nicene Creed, still recited in some churches today, or the very similar Apostle’s Creed. Bible -1 %Creeds and Traditions-2The Holy Spirit-3World Religions-10Personal Experience-42Human Reason-45UU Principles- 48 In a National Survey outside UUism- where religious authority comes from -Sacred Scripture 82% Holy Spirit-60% In my song, ‘You, Me and the Universe,’ there is a verse that came to me…

June 13, 2010: “Commencement; Every Day is a Test: Today is Pop-quiz!”

June marks the end of school, beginning of summer, and of course, time for Commencement speakers. Garry Trudeau, one of my favorite wisdom cartoonists with his Doonesbury comic strip, and whom I suspect of being a Unitarian Universalist, spoke at one and said: ‘Commencement speeches were invented largely in the belief that outgoing college students should never be released into the world…

May 30, 2010: “Memorial Day: Peace and Patriotism”

I don’t know if you realize just how patriotic we are becoming. People are actually buying American flags faster than the Chinese can make them. ‘I have a dream,’ by Travis Meyer, 3rd Grade February 12, 2003. This piece was written after classroom studies of MLK, Jr. and his famous ‘I Have a Dream’ speech. I have a dream, that one day,…