Love. Revere. Discover. Connect.

Sermons by Rev. Denis Paul (Page 7)

December 1, 2019: “Preservative Care”

Audre Lorde once equated self care to self preservation.  After all, if we can’t preserve ourselves, how could we ever preserve the world, much less change it for the better?  But care for the world and care for the self need not be two separate things that support each other.  They can be the same thing. The first Sunday of the month…

November 17, 2019: “Les Oubliettes”

We all forget things.  Little things and big things leave our minds all the time.  Mostly, it doesn’t matter all that much to us, since we don’t know what we don’t remember.  But what if there was a way to forget less, and deepen our experience of life?  Maybe the little things wouldn’t be so little. Sounding of the Singing Bowl (Rev Denis)                                                …

November 3, 2019: “Shrines Along the Way”

Wayside shrines exist all over North America, in the form of small chapels between village centers, and the memorials that pop along highways after fatal collisions, and in commemoration of beloved public figures.  They serve a lot of different functions beyond just getting us to stop and pay attention. The first Sunday of each month is food month.  Please bring non-perishable food…

October 13, 2019: “The Left Hand Church”

(With guest musician Laura Silverman) It used to be that right was right and left was wrong, at least when it came to manual dexterity.  Sometimes that adage was, and still is, applied to beliefs.  Leftedness, to coin a phrase, may not be wrong, but it may be a way of looking at things a bit differently, at least in terms of…

October 6, 2019: “In the Midst of the Trembling Giant”

Sometimes communities have obvious members and clearly defined boundaries.  Sometimes they aren’t obvious at all to their own members, even though every “outsider” recognizes the characteristics that hold them together.  Sometimes the similarities run much deeper than you’d think.  The first Sunday of each month is food month.  Please bring non-perishable food items and/or toiletries to be shared with Kirtland’s food pantry…

September 29, 2019: “Love – X – Hope”

Love and Hope — two of the most uplifting of human experiences — aren’t exactly the same thing, but they certainly need one another to survive.  The thing that unites them must be positive.  But maybe that thing isn’t all warm sunshine and sweet kisses. Personal Reflection  Dorothy Lemmey “To love is to be afraid. You are frightened, deathly terrified, that something will…

September 15, 2019: “Ages and Dispensations”

In the 1920’s, Clarence Larkin set out to map the various eras of humanity — “ages” and “dispensations” — and our role in making them happen.  It may just be one of the most influential ideas you’ve never heard of from the last century. Sermon “Ages and Dispensations”   Rev. Denis Letourneau Paul I came across an article recently that intrigued me so much,…

September 8, 2019: “Chances of Precipitation”

As always on the first Sunday after Labor Day, there’s a very good chance of precipitation in the sanctuary.  Water will materialize, coming in from all over the world, so bring water with you to add to it for the Homecoming Water Communion.  Your water can come from anywhere: the pond down the road, your summer travels, the municipal swimming pool, or…

September 1, 2019: “Pattern Seeking People”

It’s come to be a cliche that human beings are programmed to seek patterns.  Patterns give us comfort in predictability.  They help us set our expectations, not just of ourselves, but of others.  And most of the time, that helps!  Most of the time. The first Sunday of each month is food month.  Please bring non-perishable food items and/or toiletries to be…