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Sermons by Rev. Denis Paul (Page 9)

March 17, 2019: “A Way of Going”

(With a special performance by Terry DeTar) Our Wayside Pulpit this month proclaims “there are many paths but only one journey.” The journey is that important. It’s important enough that it’s the thing that in our Bond of Union we promise to do together. But maybe the journey and the destination aren’t as important as the the way we go. Maybe the…

March 3, 2019: “Words (that) Matter”

Words are spiritual. Words have shaped us, individually and collectively on our journey. These words, that thrill us, the ones that scare us, and the ones we refuse to say, they ALL MATTER. They are all a part of defining who we are as a spiritual being and community.  Barbara Walker is a candidate for Credentialed Lay Minister at West Shore UU…

February 24, 2019: “Ambulatory Gambit”

In the game of chess, a gambit is an opening move whereby a pawn is strategically sacrificed in order to create an advantage.  Which kind of sounds like a Cold War move made across the iron curtain.  But simply walking around can be a different kind of gambit.  It just requires experiencing things a little differently. 

January 13, 2019: “Sifting”

Permaculture has been defined by one of its founders, Bill Mollison, as “the conscious design and maintenance of agriculturally productive ecosystems, which have the diversity, stability and resilience of natural ecosystems.” Sounds like a set of practices, even a mindset, that we could use in every part of our lives. After the service, there will be a pot luck lunch and Rev.…

January 6, 2019: “Indra’s Net”

Call to Worship Rev. Denis Letourneau PaulToday is Epiphany. The twelfth day after the twelfth night of Christmas, commemorating the arrival of the Magi, the wisemen, after the birth of Jesus of Nazareth.While many of us have put away Christmas, it’s a little premature. Why does it matter? Because it matters to billions of Christians around the world, some of whom are…

December 24, 2018: “Starlit Moments of Precious Magic”

Call to Worship (Rev. Denis)Merry Christmas. In just a few hours we begin the first of the twelve days of Christmas. For the last few weeks, Christians around the world have been observing the season of Advent, the season of waiting for what they know will come: the celebration of the birth of Jesus of Nazareth, the king of the Jews, the…