Love. Revere. Discover. Connect.

April 19, 2019: “Good Friday Tenebrae”

Tenebrae is a service that recognizes the suffering of Jesus on Good Friday.  For UUs, it’s a chance to share the stories of suffering in current world.  This quiet service ends in darkness, with only the extinguished candles as hope for the new beginning of Easter Sunday. INTRO Rev. Denis Letourneau Paul Welcome to Our Good Friday Tenebrae Service. I wanted to start…

April 7, 2019: “The Light of Public Conscience”

Ralph Waldo Emerson once called William Ellery Channing, the “father” of Unitarianism in America, a public conscience.  As someone who was excluded from — actually thrown out of — the Congregational Church, he was always framing ethics and morality in terms of inclusion.  Who, he asked, in his own way, was being left out? The first Sunday of each month is Food…

May 5, 2019: “In The Eye of the Beholder”

Beauty, they say, is in the eye of the beholder.  It’s so cliche it’s almost painful.  But all you have to do to see the truth of the statement is to look around at the artwork in our congregation.  Everything we do that has visual or physical presence elicits a wide variety of responses.   The easiest way to deal with that differences…

March 31, 2019: “On This Journey Together”

We’re all on our own separate journeys of life, and today, right now, those journeys have converged at this church. What does it mean to be part of a church’s journey, and how does being part of a church shape our journeys? Michelle Ma, a California native who is really loving Ohio, received her Masters in Divinity from the Pacific School of…

March 17, 2019: “A Way of Going”

(With a special performance by Terry DeTar) Our Wayside Pulpit this month proclaims “there are many paths but only one journey.” The journey is that important. It’s important enough that it’s the thing that in our Bond of Union we promise to do together. But maybe the journey and the destination aren’t as important as the the way we go. Maybe the…

March 3, 2019: “Words (that) Matter”

Words are spiritual. Words have shaped us, individually and collectively on our journey. These words, that thrill us, the ones that scare us, and the ones we refuse to say, they ALL MATTER. They are all a part of defining who we are as a spiritual being and community.  Barbara Walker is a candidate for Credentialed Lay Minister at West Shore UU…

February 24, 2019: “Ambulatory Gambit”

In the game of chess, a gambit is an opening move whereby a pawn is strategically sacrificed in order to create an advantage.  Which kind of sounds like a Cold War move made across the iron curtain.  But simply walking around can be a different kind of gambit.  It just requires experiencing things a little differently.