Love. Revere. Discover. Connect.

December 16, 2018: “Peace, Liberty and Justice for All”

Over the last few years in the United Kingdom, there’s been a growing trend of major corporations to produce very short films, just a couple minutes long, to air around Christmas. They aren’t really advertisements for their products or services, and they aren’t necessarily music videos, though some of them are. There was one little film a couple years ago that went…

December 2, 2018: “The Light We Want”

We gather to celebrate, once again, in the light of this beacon, in this place of warmth and safety, where we call on one another to be brave together.We come with all of our frailty and our tenderness, as well as our strength and generosity. I’d like to share with you the words of Erika Hewitt Let us remember and celebrate, this…

November 25, 2018: “Fifth Principle”

Chalice Lighting Rev. Denis Letourneau PaulWe light this chalice in honor of the memories that hold and heal us.For stories we tell of those whose heroism inspires our own.For the pictures of loved ones who have passedin whose images we see our better selves.For the work of remembering that we stand on the shoulders of otherswho paved the path on which we…

November 11, 2018: “Freedom Isn’t Free”

Chalice Lighting Rev. Denis Letourneau PaulWe light this chalice in honor of the memories that hold and heal us.For stories we tell of those whose heroism inspires our own.For the pictures of loved ones who have passedin whose images we see our better selves.For the work of remembering that we stand on the shoulders of otherswho paved the path on which we…

October 21, 2018: “The Innermost Place”

Call to Worship and Body Prayer Rev. DenisWelcome to this space. This space under this beacon of hope, where the light of the universe shines down upon us, even on the gloomiest, chilliest of days. Welcome to this space under this beacon, where our light shines out into the world, letting it know why we are here: to shine our hope.We are…

October 14, 2018: “Sanctuary on the Page”

Call to Worship and Chalice Lighting Rev. Denis Letourneau PaulWelcome into this space.This SanctuaryThis sacred and holy placeThis place of refuge in times of troubleThis place of celebration in times of abundance. It’s been a hard couple of weeks for so many women, whose memories of past trauma have been triggered by not just the recent Supreme Court confirmation process but by…