Love. Revere. Discover. Connect.

Posts from November 2020

Secret Santa can you help

Secret Santa

We are now asking for donations to our Secret Santa project.  For those that do not know, Secret Santa is an opportunity to help those that are struggling to have an easier time of it during the winter holidays.  We are asking people to send checks addressed to ESUUC with a memo saying it is for Secret Santa to…

Human hands

Social justice projects you can help with

If you would like to participate in Geauga SOGI (Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity) Support Network, please contact Minna Zelch or email  Geauga SOGI Support Network was started by a group of people including Minna and August Zelch.  Their mission statement is: Working together with individuals, families, friends, and the Geauga community to embrace Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity.…