We are now back to in-person services (Every Sunday at 10:30 am), but you can also choose to view services live on Facebook: https://facebook.com/eastshoreUUChurch No Facebook account is required!
We are now back to in-person services (Every Sunday at 10:30 am), but you can also choose to view services live on Facebook: https://facebook.com/eastshoreUUChurch No Facebook account is required!
During the pandemic, the American Red Cross had no place to hold blood drives in the Kirtland area. The Kirtland Community Center where the drives normally were held was shut down. Now that the Kirtland Community Center has reopened, that location will once again become the primary blood drive location in Kirtland. The final Ralph…
Now that we will be able to come together in person, Halcyon is asking everyone to help support a S.J. project that fell apart because of COVID. Our last Coming of Age class was going to collect diapers for those families that could not afford them. There was a need then and more of a…
We will continue to follow the CDC guidelines for gatherings for fully vaccinated people. It would be individual discretion in choosing to wear a mask at outdoor functions based on individual assessment of one’s own risk factors and susceptibility. UPDATE 6/15/2021: Expect most meeting to continue to be on Zoom. Everyone who has been vaccinated, fully recovered…
Hello Unitarian Universalist Congregations & Organizations, We are proud to introduce YARN, the UU Young Adult Revival Network. YARN is a project to rebuild the continental UU young adult network! We have had incredible success so far in getting established and incubating emerging ministries during the COVID-19 pandemic. This includes our growing identity groups, our worship…
If you would like to participate in Geauga SOGI (Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity) Support Network, please contact Minna Zelch or email geaugasogi@gmail.com. Geauga SOGI Support Network was started by a group of people including Minna and August Zelch. Their mission statement is: Working together with individuals, families, friends, and the Geauga community to embrace Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity.…
If you are thinking of paying your pledge now, the COVID stimulus package passed ear lier this year allows for up to $300 deduction to qualifying charities. You do not have to itemize to take this deduction. Your contribution up to $300 to East Shore Unitarian Universalist Church qualifies for this deduction. We will send out…
We are still going to try and have a mitten tree of sorts this year. There is a Tupperware container with a lid under the eaves by the back door. Please, stop by the church and place your items in the tub. We are asking for new mittens, hats, scarves, and new toys. Faith Development will then…
We are now asking for donations to our Secret Santa project. For those that do not know, Secret Santa is an opportunity to help those that are struggling to have an easier time of it during the winter holidays. We are asking people to send checks addressed to ESUUC with a memo saying it is for Secret Santa to…
If you would like to participate in Geauga SOGI (Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity) Support Network, please contact Minna Zelch or email geaugasogi@gmail.com. Geauga SOGI Support Network was started by a group of people including Minna and August Zelch. Their mission statement is: Working together with individuals, families, friends, and the Geauga community to embrace Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity.…